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Santa Teresa Little League

Volunteering Opportunities

Santa Teresa Little League relies on the time & talent of hundreds of volunteers each season to bring our mission of teaching life lessons through the game of baseball to life!  

STLL Board of Directors
In addition to the day to day roles that game to life on the field (Managers, Coaches, Snack Shack Volunteers, Umpires, etc) it takes a great deal of off-the-filed work to bring the season to life.  Below you will see a list of these roles.  Many of these volunteers are member of the Santa Teresa Little League Board of Directors, who help shape the direction of the League and represent the League's General membership (players, parents, coaches, etc,) by voting on important League decisions. Board Members are elected by the General Membership of the League. 

While we hold annual Board Elections, we are always accepting applications to join the STLL Board.  Click Here to fill out an application.   
(Note:  Board Members can be voted in by the board outside of the Annual Election)

Volunteer Coordinator Roles
Some Coordinator roles listed do not require a volunteer to be a Board Member.  For volunteers that can commit to a few hours a week, during specific time of the year, a coordinator role is a great way to give back to the STLL community.  If you are interested in learning more, please email [email protected] for more information.

Here is what our Board Members have to say about Volunteering

Board & Coordinator Roles

PositionDescriptionTime Commitment
PresidentRepresents the League to Community, Little League International, Vendors & Partners. Leads Board Meetings, Default Member of all Committees and attends D59 meetings. As the chief administrator, the league president selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires, and committees members. However, all appointments are subject to final approval by the local league’s Board of Directors.Busiest time is January to July 10-15 hrs per week
Vice PresidentManages Baseball Operations including overseeing the following: Scheduling (Games & Practices), Player Evaluations, Baseball related direction, Umpires, Fields & Equipment. Works to ensure adherence to Little League Green Book and STLL Constitution & Bylaws. Works closely with the President and will fill in for the President as needed.Busiest time is January to July 10 hrs per week
Player Agent/ Player Agent SupportConducts annual tryouts, and is in charge of player selection and formation of teams for all divisions, tournaments and post season play; Assists President in checking eligibility in regular and Postseason play; Works closely with managers in dealing with player issues or player replacements. Official advocate for players.Busiest Time is January to March; May-June 10-15 hrs per week
SecretaryThe League Secretary is the Board of Directors member who is in charge of records, correspondence, minutes of meetings, and related affairs of the organization. Maintains league membership, scheduling of Board and Committee meetings and oversees Board elections process and photography vendors checks PO Box weekly; Works closely with the President and Vice President and assists with whatever needs arise.Steady commitment level throughout the year
TreasurerSigns checks co-signed by another officer or director; dispenses league funds as approved by the Board of Directors; reports on the status of league funds; keeps local league books and financial records; prepares budgets and assumes the responsibility for all local league finances, including bank deposits and withdrawals for snack shack need. Works closely with Concessions Director in picking up snack shack drops multiple times a week. Head of Scholarship Committee.Steady commitment level throughout the year 3-5 hrs a week
 Softball Vice President Lead the Operations of the Softball Program
Recruit, Train and be the first line of Support for Managers & Coaches
Develop Clinics specifically for Softball
Participate in District & Section Softball Meetings - work with other Leagues
Work with the Operational Directors on the Board: Scheduling, Equipment, Uniforms….
Build a Softball Umpire Program & educate on rules
 10-15 hrs per week
 Softball Player Agent Lead the recruitment of Softball Players
Lead Softball Registration Events
Work with the Communications & Website team to promote Softball
Organize Softball Tryouts, Drafts, Team Formation
Manage the All-Star Process
Find mentors in the South Bay Softball Community that can help us build the program

 10-15 hrs per week
 Capital Projects Director Manages larger field and grounds improvement projects.  Responsible for designing, scoping and operationalizing projects.  Manages vendors that carry out project work.  Works with Fields Director and Community Engagement Director to manage parts of the projects that can be completed by volunteers.  Works with Sponsorship Director to determine Sponsorship Value of projects. 10-15 hrs per week
Coaching DirectorRepresents coaches/managers in league; presents a coach/ manager training budget to the board; gains the support and funds necessary to implement a league-wide training program; orders and distributes training materials to players, coaches and managers; coordinates mini-clinics as necessary; serves as the contact person for Little League and its manager-coach education. Receives and distributes coaching information from Little League International and distributes to all coaches and managers.Busiest time is September to March 5-7 hrs per week
Communications DirectorWork Board members to communication league-Wide distribution information such as league wide emails, monthly newsletters, news articles on the league website and social media posts. Attends Board meetings and reviews agenda for important dates and information to keep the league up to date; Works with Information Officer to maintain current news items on the league website.Busiest time are June and September through March
Concessions DirectorMaintains the operation of concession facilities; organizes the purchase of concession products; responsible for the management of the concession sales at league events; schedules volunteers to work the concession booth during league events; collects and reviews concession related offers including coupons, discounts, and bulk-purchasing opportunities; and organizes, tallies and keeps records of concession sales and purchases.Busiest Time are March through June
Division Directors
Busiest times are January through June
Works with VP and Coaching Committee to provide training and leadership to the Managers & Coaches in an assigned Division. Ensures that STLL coaching standards are followed. Works with Managers to resolve any Division Level Issues. Works with UIC to make sure rules are adhered to and communicated to managers in their division.
Equipment DirectorResearch and selection of league provided equipment. Prepares equipment\not for the season. Educates managers on proper use and care of equipment. Manages Equipment budget. Works with Fields director to purchase Equipment needed for Field Prep. Manages the passing out and collection after season of keys given to managers and Board.Busiest time are December through March
Events DirectorLeads Planning for Special Events and Fundraisers, including Opening Day, Hit-A-Thon, Arcadia Day, Memorial Day Tournament, and Closing Day. In the fall: Fall Movie Night and Dinner Nights Out. Responsible for events budget; Works closely with Board members who manage their own roles as part of the events. Updates Board on a regular basis as event approach.Busiest times are January through June
Fields DirectorOversees the preparation and maintenance of all League Operated Fields. Works with Fields Committee to determine necessary improvements. Requests capital as needed for major projects. Manages any Field Maintenance Vendors. Leads Field Improvement Days; Works with Safety Officer to ensure fields meeti Little League standards.Busiest Time are January through June
Information OfficerSets up and manages league’s official website; sets up online registration and ensures the league rosters are uploaded to Little League; assigns online administrative rights to other local volunteers; encourages creation of team web sites to managers, coaches, and parents; ensures that league news and scores are updated online on a regular basis; collects, posts, and distributes important information on league activities including direct dissemination of fundraising and sponsor activities to Little League, the district, the public, league members, and the media; serves as primary contact person for Little League and Sports Connect regarding optimizing use of the Internet for league administration and for distributing information to league members and to Little League International. Provides player, coach, and manager records to Little League International in electronic format. Manages STLL google account. Works closely with Sponsorship and Communication Directors.Busiest times are June and November through March
 Rookie DirectorIntroduces new families to Santa Teresa Little League.  Is first point of contact for questions about the League.  Introduces Volunteering & Community aspects of the League.  Explains policies and expectations for parents.  Works closely with Registration Coordinator, Tee-Ball Director and A Division Director. 
Safety OfficerCoordinates all safety activities such as preseason annual safety meeting; ensures safety in player training; ensures safe playing conditions; coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries; solicits suggestions for making conditions safer; reports suggestions to Little League International through the league president and prepares the ASAP plan for submission to Little League International. Schedules preseason fingerprinting sessions, and keeps records of cleared background checksBusiest time in September to March
Scheduling Director The Scheduling Director manages the booking of fields for Practices, Games and Other activities.  Woks with School Districts and the City of San Jose to ensure filed availability.  Uses tools in the STLL Website to create game and practice schedules.  Works with Division Directors to adjust schedules as needed.   Busiest Times are January Through March, and August
Sponsorship DirectorSolicits and secures local sponsorships to support league operations; collects and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities; organizes and implements approved league fundraising activities; coordinates participation in fundraising activities; and maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives. Ensure sponsors receive appropriate benefits per sponsorship level. Puts up, takes down and orders banners. Oversees Hit-A-Thon pledge process. Develops a Corporate matching donation program.Busiest Times are January Through March
Team Parent DirectorHosts Team Parent Meetings and educates Team Parents on their responsibilities. Works with Special Events and Volunteer Director to gather volunteers for League Events. Manages Lost & Found and Equipment Recycling programsBusiest times are January through June
UICServes as coordinator of and advises the league President on the league umpire program; responsible for recommending umpires to the league President for appointment to the league umpire roster; recruiting and retaining volunteer umpires; establishing a league umpire training program including Junior Umpire program consistent with Little League® guidelines; coordinating and assisting with conducting umpire clinics at league and district level; communicating rule changes to league umpires; scheduling league umpires for regular season games and tournaments; evaluating league umpires using established guidelines to maintain program integrity; further continual improvement, and prepare league umpires for advancement to tournament levels; communicating with and providing updates to the District Umpire Consultant on the league umpire program, and attending Umpire Training programs at the District, State, Region, and/or Headquarters level.Busiest time aee January through June
Community Involvement DirectorAdministers the volunteer recruitment program. Ensures proper tracking of volunteer points; coordinates with qualified organizations to provide volunteers for STLL events as needed; works with Board members to determine point values for volunteer opportunities; promotes league wide volunteer opportunities; incurring volunteer buyout dollars are being used per the terms of the volunteer program Busiest Times are January Through March, and August
 Vendor Management Director Review STLL Contracts and Agreements
Work with our Vendors and Sponsors to ensure delivery of contract
Gather feedback from Board and League on vendor performance
Research Vendors prior to business engagement
Manage RFP Process where needed
 5-10 hrs per week
CoordinatorsDescriptionTime Commitment
Concessions - Anderson Works with the Concessions Director to Manage the Snack Shack at a designate field.  Helps to ensure inventory levels are maintained on a weekly basis.  Checks in on Snack Shack Operations and helps to educate other volunteers on Snack Shack operations. 5-10 hrs per week
Concessions - Bernal
Concessions - Frost
Concessions - Herman
Field Coordinator-Anderson
Works with Fields Director to identify and address issues at assigned Field. Gains knowledge of Field specifics (Water location, supplies, etc). Leads volunteers at Field Improvement Days.
Busiest Time are January through June

Field Coordinator-Frost
Field Coordinator-Bernal
Field Coordinator-Herman
Field Coordinator -Sakamoto
Grant Writer Work with Capital Projects & Sponsorship Directors to identify Grant targets
Seek out grant sources (Little Leagues Partners, City & Government Agencies, Local TV & Charity Partners)
Collect requirements for grants
Work with board to gather necessary information to apply for grants
Apply for grants and track progress
 4-7 hrs per week
 Copy Editor Take information about League Events, Programs, and Policies and create stories for the website, email communications and newsletters.  Bring fresh ideas and creativity to all projects.  Assist with creation of collateral for the launch of special projects & new programs.  Strong writing skills and ability to work with tight deadlines are a must.  3-5 hrs per week
 Graphics Coordinator Develop graphics for website, flyers and other league collateral at the direction Communications team, primarily using Canva.  Assist with creation of collateral for the launch of special projects & new programs.  Some experience with content development is preferred.  Ability to turn around projects in a fast paced environment is needed.   3-5 hrs per week
 League Photographers Be present at STLL Games, Practices and Events to capture High Quality photos of STLL in Action.  Capture photos & video across all Divisions and programs, not just your child's game.  Ability to edit what is submitted.  Submit photos & video to Communications Team on a weekly basis.   3-5 hrs per week
Registration Coordinator Works with Information Officer, Secretary, Events Coordinator & Player Agent to promote and manage the registration process. With help of volunteers, checks all documents received from players during registration. Answers Registration related emails and calls. Busiest time are June and September through January
Safety CoordinatorWorks closely with Safety Director to assists with Volunteer Background Check Process. Present at games & practices to ensure that all player safety standards are being followed. Reviews safety concerns with safety officer. Actively making sure managers, coaches and parents are following the league safety plan.Busiest times are November through March (Background Checks) and March through June (On-site presence).
Sponsorship CoordinatorWorks with Sponsorship Director, Information Officer & Media Coordinator to ensure the promotion of Sponsors on the League Website, newsletters and in social media. Assists with banner placement for sponsors.Busiest times are January through March
Uniform CoordinatorWorks with Uniform Committee to design uniforms and pick trophies. Presents uniform options that meet budgetary & stylistic needs of the league. Coordinates with Player Agent to order uniforms for each team during the season, tournament play, post season and fall. Orders trophies for end of season; medals for divisional championship games and Memorial Day Tournament, and tournament hosted by STLL.Busiest times are November through March

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